Friday, August 23, 2013

To the Praise of His Glory

Ephesians 1:3-14 paints a magnificent picture of our glorious Savior and the blessings He has showered on us.

All to the praise of His glory, Christ accomplished salvation for me!

Jesus has become my Lord (v 3).

I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Nothing will be held back from me in eternity (v 3).

He chose me before creating the universe. He loved me long before I knew Him (v 4).

He has a purpose for my life: to be holy and blameless (v 4).

He predestined me to be adopted as His son. Not because of what I could bring to Him, but because of His love toward me and His plan for me (v 5).

He made that adoption possible through the death of His own Son (v 5).

He has blessed me in the Beloved, Jesus Christ. All the blessings of fellowship, unity, love and more that Christ receives from His Father have been showered on me.

Through the blood of Christ I have been redeemed. I am set free from the slave market of sin and have become a slave of Christ (v 7).

His blood has granted me forgiveness of my trespasses, according to the riches of His unlimited grace. He will never reach a point where He can no longer or will no longer forgive me (v7).

He has poured out His grace on me (v 8).

He has revealed His plan of salvation to me (v 9).

He has made me an heir (v 11).

He chose me to bring praise to His name (v 12).

He has sealed me with the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of my inheritance. I will not fall out of God's favor so that He writes me out of His will (v 13-14).

All of this to the praise of His glory! Not because of anything that I have done. Not because of anything that I could be.

But because He wanted to.

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