Wednesday, March 26, 2014

God is a God of Pleasure

"You make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence there is fullness of joy;
At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Psalm 16:11

Isn't that a bit hard for us to understand?

God gives us joy. Fullness of joy. Not just a happy feeling, but FULLNESS.

And pleasures?


I thought God was a spoiler. A giver of lists of what we should and should not do.

At your right hand - easily accessible to Him. Powerful. Important to Him.

Forevermore. Never ending pleasure. Not going to end like a day at the fair.

But we seek to fulfill our pleasures from so many other sources.

Relationships. Money. Power. Sex. Drugs. Alcohol. Tobacco.

Fast cars and fast women.

Prominence. New house. New job.

Those things may give us a brief high. But they aren't going to give us fullness of joy or pleasures forevermore.

"Our desires aren't insatiable - they are infinite. He intends them to be focused on Him. Only His infiniteness will satisfy the depth of our desires. Only an infinite love will ultimately bring contentment to your soul. Hear His promise from Psalm 107:9, 'For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.'

"Will you surrender to this King who in love entered your suffering, walked through the pain of your trials, offers you the grace to know His joy in the midst of this life, and in the world to come offers beauty and pleasure that infinitely transcend your imagination?" (White, David. Sexual Sanity for Men, p 128).

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