Almost five years ago, I walked across the stage and received a Doctorate of Ministry. My project was the development of a spiritual growth program for men. I developed a week-long retreat that was to be integrated in the local church's ministry, held the retreat three different times to three different groups of men. Taught through the lessons two different times in our local church. Presented it writing to several for proofreading, evaluation and recommendations.
But I missed a whole chapter - at least.
I missed a chapter on the importance of confession and repentance. An admission of guilt and a turning from sin.
Three years ago, I heard a sermon on the demon-possessed man, who had spent years living in the tombs, unchained, unclothed and uncontrollable. No one would help him. No one could help him (Mark 5).
But then Jesus came.
Jesus came into this man's life and changed him in an instant. Jesus did what no one else could do.
Jesus changed this man's life forever. He is clothed and in his right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus, wanting to go with Jesus.
When I realized that Jesus had changed this man's life, I called out to Him and called out to a friend to help me.
It hasn't been an instant change, like the demon-possessed man, but change has taken place.
It hasn't been an easy change. Over the last three years, I have walked through some difficult times. But I've never walked alone. Jesus has always been there. My friends have been there when I've called out to them. Sometimes they have walked beside me. Sometimes they have pushed me. Many times they have prayed for me.
But I'm thankful for God's grace in allowing me the opportunity to change. And I'm thankful for God's grace in giving me true friends who have helped me along the way.
And a major component of the change has been confession and repentance. As I confessed my sins, the burdens were lifted off my shoulders. As I let others look into my life, the fear of rejection faded. As I repented, turning from sinful choices of decades, I experienced victory over temptation like never before.
I'm thankful that I did the work for the doctoral project.
But I will have to add another chapter, if I teach it again.
And if you're stagnant in your spiritual growth, maybe unconfessed sin is holding you back.
God is gracious and ready to forgive. And you'll be surprised that there are others ready to help you.
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