I read through the first two chapters of Hosea this evening, preparing for our small group study.
I've read it before. I've taught it. I've preached through it.
But something struck me tonight.
You'll remember that God commanded Hosea to marry a whore, Gomer, and have children with her. Each child's name was a prophecy against Israel. It appears that the last two ("No Mercy" and "Not my people" - how'd you like to hear your mama holler that from the front porch?), were not Hosea's children.
Hosea had married a prostitute and as soon as she had weaned their first child, she was back to her ways.
Their marriage is a picture of Israel. Gomer is Israel and Hosea is God. God choose Israel to be His bride, but Israel continued the life of a hooker, chasing after other lords and masters.
And all along, God was providing for Israel's needs. She thought it was her lovers who were bringing her food and clothing. But it was God.
Then I thought about you and me (mostly me). How I am a lot like Gomer. God has rescued me. Chosen me to be the object of His love. Provides for me. Meets my needs. Longs to satisfy me.
Yet I so often choose to find my satisfaction in other things. I choose to submit to other masters.
And I think that they are the ones meeting my needs.
But all the time, God is there. Putting food on my table. Paying the rent. He even gives me the money to squander on my own idolatry!
Like Gomer and Israel, the path away from God is not a pleasant one. And God will not let me continue running from Him. Like Hosea did with Gomer. Like God did with Israel.
God will intervene.
So you and I can choose to keep running until God intervenes. Or we can come to Him willingly. Confessing and repenting. Being thankful and satisfied.
I'd like to choose God. How about you?
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