The fields around my house are getting bare. All summer long they have been filled with green plants. In the last month they have turned from green to yellow to brown.
And now the farmers, when it hasn't been raining, are bringing in the harvest. The soybeans and corn are filling the bins.
All of these farmers planted seed expecting a harvest. Those who planted corn, harvested corn. And in the fields where they planted soybeans, they harvested soybeans.
Any farmer who plants corn and expects soybeans to grow should probably get out of farming.
The Bible teaches the same principle in relation to our spiritual lives.
"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life" (Galatians 6:7-8).
Like in the physical world, so in the spiritual world. What we plant will determine what we harvest.
If you are feeding your mind with romantic novels, you will hunger for that type of love. Left unchecked, you will find it. And be disappointed.
If you are feeding your mind with pornography, you will hunger for that type of sex. As you follow that path, you will find it. And be disappointed.
If you are feeding your mind with the latest organizational skills and tools, so that you can have everything under control, you'll get there. You'll have your hours planned out and make check marks on your to-do lists. But you'll be sorely disappointed when a crisis comes, changing your plans.
If you are feeding your mind with the latest deals at Kohl's, you will have no trouble spending that cash back and getting more. Only later will you realize that you were feeding materialism and be disappointed. The piles of stuff at your estate auction won't satisfy - or bring back the money that you planted.
What you reap is what you have sown.
Sow to the flesh and you'll reap corruption. You'll reap disappointment. You'll reap frustration. You'll reap sin.
Keep feeding those sinful desires.
Keep trying to satisfy your lust for love.
Keep trying to satisfy your desire for dreams.
Keep trying to satisfy you passion for position.
And you'll be disappointed with the results. It will never be enough. You will never be satisfied. There will always be something bigger, better and more beautiful that you don't have.
It's a promise from God.
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