Thursday, November 29, 2012

Always God's Mercy

Daniel, the prophet in the captivity, read Jeremiah, the prophet who wrote in the final years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity. Close to 70 years had passed since Jeremiah penned those words. As Daniel read, he discovered why Jerusalem was in shambles and God's people had been scattered.

It was because they had sinned. Repeatedly. For generations. They had ignored God's prophets. They had rebelled. They chose to do evil. They turned aside from God's law. They had sinned against God. They had done wickedly.

Daniel describes God as great, awesome, keeping His covenant, loving steadfastly, righteous, merciful, forgiving, the great deliverer with a great name.

God is the complete opposite of His people.

Israel had sinned and received what they deserved. Now Daniel is praying that God would look upon them in mercy.

"For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy" (Daniel 9:18b).

It wasn't that Daniel thought they had been punished long enough. It wasn't because he thought they had cleaned up their act. It wasn't because they were trying harder to do a better job.

Daniel's plea was based solely on God's mercy.

No matter how much I confess, repent and change my ways, I will always be dependent on God's mercy.

I will never change enough to be deserving of God's forgiveness, grace, mercy and love.

It's always God's mercy.

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