God knows and is in control of what is happening and is going to happen in the world.
In Daniel 11-12, battles of great princes and kings with their mighty armies are prophesied. The prophecy includes the victor of the conflicts. the events neither surprise Him, nor go beyond His control.
The kings rise to power, but are defeated. Even the great king who appears to have the world at his feet will come to his end, with none to help him (Daniel 11:35).
In Revelation 2-3, Christ gives messages to local churches. "I know your works..." Christ knows what's going on in the churches. The good and the bad. Nothing is hidden or glossed over. He will judge and reward accordingly.
Psalm 139 praises God because He knows about individuals. He knew me before I was conceived. He knows my thoughts before I think them. My words before I speak them. My actions before I do them.
Nothing is beyond His comprehension. Nothing escapes His watchful eye. Nothing is too great for Him.
And because God is a loving sovereign, I know that He is in control of these events - in the world, in my church and in my life - using them to fulfill His purpose in my life.
My response is to trust Him.
Easier said than done.
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