Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. For close to twenty years, he hadn't seen his family. His brothers were carrying the guilt of their actions all this time. His father was grieving for two decades.
Joseph had been falsely accused and served time in jail. When he interpreted Pharaoh's dream, he was elevated to Prime Minister over Egypt.
Still all this time he had no idea what had happened to his family and his family didn't know what had happened to him.
After a series of tests, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.
In his conversation with his brothers, he says, "And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life...And God sent me before you...So it was not you who sent me here, but God..." (Gen 45:3-8).
The actions of Joseph's brothers were wicked. They abused their brother. They betrayed their father. They carried out a lie for two decades. They were sinners living with the consequences of their sinful choices.
But Joseph realized that it was all God's plan. Maybe he didn't realize it until that moment. Maybe he wondered those twenty years what God was doing. But at last it was clear.
The same is true today. Maybe your family has fallen apart. Maybe you're grieving the loss of a child. Maybe you're unemployed. Maybe you've been uprooted and starting all over.
Maybe you're trying to figure out what God is trying to do.
Be patient.
God is working to fulfill His plan, not yours. He will accomplish what He wants. And as we learn about God and as His plan is revealed, what He wants is what we want.
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