Friday, January 11, 2013

Pray for your enemies

"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven." (Mt 5:44-45a).

Rather than hating my enemies, I need to love them. Rather than slandering those who slander me, I need to pray for them. Everyone hates their enemies. God wants me to love mine.

Easier said than done.

But why do I need to do it?

Because God says I need to. Not praying for them is disobedience.

This week I was asked if I had been praying for my enemy. I said that I hadn't been praying consistently lately, because I wasn't sure how to pray. Usually when I pray for that person, my thoughts wander toward bitterness and frustration. Trying to figure out what's going on. Trying to understand why rebellion is being sold as righteousness. Trying to understand the double standards. Trying to understand the justification of sinful choices. Trying to understand the arrogance and intolerance.

So often it turned into sinful thoughts that I have chosen not to pray. It seemed easier to control my thoughts by not even dwelling on that person.

But this verse tells me that I'm being disobedient by not praying for my enemy.

Regardless of my desires. Regardless of the outcome.

Because God says so.

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