Monday, December 29, 2014

All I Have to Be

I've been cleaning and baking this evening listening to the Ball Brothers on Spotify. About every song I hear is my new favorite.

This one: All I Have to Be by the Ball Brothers, is a great reminder of setting priorities. Whether we're trying to decide what to do on a particular day, or trying to decide a major for college studies, we need to be reminded that those tasks and goals are simply side issues.

They are not irrelevant.

There are biblical commands and principles to guide us in our decisions - the big ones and the little ones.

But all we have to do is wrapped up in Christ.

"All I have to be is Yours."

The demands on us each day are great. We have appointments to keep. We have bills to pay - so we go to work.

The kids need us. The church needs us. The parents need us. The boss needs us. The customer needs us.

And these are not bad things.

But all those things can crowd out all that we need to be: "All I have to be is Yours."

What does that mean?

First, it speaks of a relationship. We are His. He has purchased us with the blood of His Son (1 Peter 1:18-19). He is our Father; we are His children.

Second, it speaks of activity. As we go about the tasks each day, we need to remember that we are ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20). Our words and actions should be drawing attention to Him, not to ourselves.

So, as you look at the list of tasks to accomplish in the next days, remember, "All you have to be is His."

His child.

His instrument.

Everything else on your to-do list is a reflection of your position and your responsibility in Christ.

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