Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Are You Ready for Change?

Someone posted on Facebook a cute saying about next year being the beginning of a new book.

"Go out there and write a bestseller!"

My response was a bit cynical: "I think I'd rather have a boring year that doesn't make the bestseller list for drama, suspense, scandal and plot twists. That probably ain't gonna happen either!"

It is the end of a year and the beginning of a new year.

Or the beginning of a new day. Or a new hour. Or a new minute.

And one thing that is consistent is change.

Health. Wealth. Security. Death. Job. Children. Church. Home. Weather. Friends.

Everything and everyone around us is going to change.

Life will be different at the end of 2015. Or the end of this week. Or the end of this day.

Sometimes the amount of change that we go through in a certain period is overwhelming. And when we can't deal with change, then we have problems.

In the midst of all the change, there is a constant.

"For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed" (Malachi 3:6).

God does not change.

What a blessing that is!

In the context of Malachi, God is reminding Israel that His immutability, the fact that He doesn't change, is to give them comfort.

He made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Israel. And He isn't going to change His mind.

Israel had been continually rebellious to God and His plan. But God didn't change.

His standards remain the same.

His promises remain the same.

His character remains the same.

We will face change. We will change.

Our entire world could be turned upside down very easily.

But God will never change.

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