The Change Your Mind Plan - This plan is very simple: “1. Choose a book of the Bible. 2. Read it in its entirety. 3. Repeat step #2 twenty times. 4. Repeat this process for all books of the Bible.”
The author suggested starting with the smaller books and working up to the larger ones.
I decided that since my pastor is going to preach through Acts, I would start with Acts. BTW: Acts is NOT one of the smaller ones!
My goal was to read seven chapters a day, which would allow me to finish the book every 4 days.
A holiday with little to do and an audio Bible at the treadmill later...and I've gone through the book twice already.
Eighteen more to go!
Some observations:
1. There are a lot of courtroom scenes in Acts. I've noticed this because I had a discussion this week with our associate pastor about 1 Cor 6. The courtroom scenes in Acts are believers being taken to court for preaching the Gospel, which is not the case in 1 Cor 6. But when the believers went to court in Acts, the Gospel was presented, Christ was magnified and the believers were pleased to suffer for the Gospel.
2. The spread of the Gospel will not be hindered. The believers suffered persecution, ridicule and death. But God's plan of spreading the message of salvation through the cross of Christ was not hindered.
3. The believers took a variety of opportunities to share the Gospel. They were 1st century humans, so I suppose they missed many opportunities like 21st century humans. But it is interesting and encouraging to see the various places where the believers evangelized, as well as the variety of people who listened.
Looking forward to learning more from Acts in the next weeks.
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