"They went three days into the wilderness and found no water...And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, 'What shall we drink?'" (Exodus 15:22-24)
These words are more intense in their context. Do you remember what is at the beginning of Exodus 15?
It's a praise service led by Moses. The people had just crossed the Red Sea on dry land. Then they turned around to see Pharaoh's army drown.
"I will sing to the LORD! The LORD is my strength and my song! Your right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy. In the greatness of Your majesty You overthrow Your adversaries. Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?"
All of that and more came from Moses leading the congregation in praise. And I imagine that having seen what they had just seen, no one was watching the clock or planning for the committee meeting when it was over.
A great praise service attributing to God the glory and honor and power due His name.
Three days later, God isn't able to provide water and Moses is to blame.
They took their focus off the greatness of God and started looking at their circumstances. They were concerned about their temporal needs and didn't think God could provide for them. He could wipe out the entire Egyptian economy and army, but couldn't take care of their daily needs.
It looks like they had a lesson to learn. God knew that the waters of Mara were bitter. He knew that they would see all that sparkling water, but not be able to drink it. He could have led them somewhere else. He could have fixed the problem before they got there.
God led them right to the edge of the water. God put them right in the middle of a problem.
Because He had something for them to learn.
It's much easier to complain like the Israelites did when I have a problem. I need to learn that God is using the problem to teach me. I need to call out to Him for help. I need to search His Word for solutions.
There may be some bitter water ahead. God knows that and He's got a lesson for me to learn.
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