Thursday, February 7, 2013

Take care of it!

Have you ever gotten really mad at someone? I mean really, really, really mad? You're so angry with someone that you can't think of anything good that they have ever done. You're so angry that you never again want to see them, to speak to them, or even hear about them. You want God to zap them with lightning.

What was it that they did that made you so angry?

Most likely they did something to offend you. Lies. Maybe even physically abused you. Emotional abuse. Theft. Life in this world of sinners is full of sin and you've no doubt been the recipient of some of it.

Usually we think that we have a right to be angry with people who hurt us. They have done some injustice and they don't deserve any kindness from me.

Look at David's prayer about those people:

"Do not drag me off with the wicked, with the workers of evil,
Who speak peace with their neighbors while evil is in their hearts.
Give to them according to their work and according to the evil of their deeds,
Give to them according to the work of their hands, render them their due reward.
Because they do not regard the works of the LORD or the work of His hands,
He will tear them down and build them up no more." (Ps 28:3-5)

Don't drag me off with them. Don't let me become like them. Don't let me be a part of their company and learn from them.

Give them what they deserve. Judge them accordingly. Punish them. God, You take it into Your hands. I'm not going to seek revenge.

Because they have disregarded You. Not because they have offended me. Not because they have hurt me.

Lord, You deal with those who have hurt me in the way that You seem fit. You know their hearts. You know what they have done. Their attack has been against You, not me. Don't let me become bitter and evil. Don't let me pick up their weapons and use them. I turn it over to You.

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