Think about Jethro asking his son-in-law, Moses, this question. As they meet up in the desert, Jethro asks, "So, how's it been goin'?"
Where would you start? What would you talk about?
Let's see: 10 Plagues. Pillar of Fire. Crossing the Red Sea. Drowning of Pharaoh's army. Complaining about bitter water. Manna.
Moses had had a pretty exciting time since he'd last talked to his father-in-law.
Although we don't have a record of their conversation, we do know how Jethro responded.
"And Jethro rejoiced for all the good that the LORD had done to Israel...Blessed be the LORD...Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods...And Jethro, Moses' father-in-law brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God' and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law before God" (Ex 17:9-12).
Jethro's response indicates that Moses talked about Jehovah, not himself. Moses pointed the conversation to what God had done, not about himself, his problems and how he conquered them.
The result was that Jethro praised God, brought sacrifices to Him and realized that He was supreme.
So how do people leave a conversation with you?
"Man, he's really got a lot of problems! I'm glad I'm not in his shoes."
"She sure had a quick solution to that problem. I wish I could be as clever as she is!"
Or do they see God? Do they see how God sustained you through the week? Do they know how God helped you overcome difficulties? Do they hear how God helped you resist temptation?
Do they even hear God's name in your conversation?
If not, then who is getting the glory?
Make a change in your conversations. Put God in the middle and take yourself out of it.
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