Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fifty Promises to the Believer

I'm sure there are more, but since I turned 50 this week, here's a list of 50 promises:

  1. Forgiveness of sins 1 John 1:9
  2. Holy Spirit making intercession Rom 8:26
  3. Never leave you or forsake you Hebrews 13:5
  4. With you always Mt 20:28
  5. Confirmed to the end 1 Cor 1
  6. Eternal life John 10:28-29
  7. He will complete His work Phil 1;6
  8. God works to will and to do Phil 2;13
  9. No condemnation Rom 8;1
  10. Victory over sin Rom 8:13
  11. Salvation Rom 10:9-10
  12. Reward for perseverance Gal 6:9
  13. Peace of God Phil 4:6-7
  14. Peace with God Rom 5:1
  15. Supply all our needs Phil 4;19
  16. Answered prayer Matt 7:9-11
  17. Crown of life James 1;12
  18. Strength Phil 4:18
  19. Power, love and sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
  20. Eternal dwelling w/god Jn 14:2-3
  21. His return Jn 14:4
  22. Mercy and grace in time of need Hebr 4:16
  23. Rest Mt 11:28-29
  24. Everything we need to do good 2 cor 9:8
  25. Grace 2 Cor 12:9
  26. Guidance Prov 3:5-6
  27. Victory over spiritual powers 2 Cor 10;3-5
  28. God indwelling us 1 Jn 4:16
  29. Christ indwelling us Col 1:27
  30. Holy Spirit indwelling us Jn 16
  31. Sanctification 1 Cor 6:11
  32. God as Father 2 Cor 6:17-18
  33. Royal status 1 Pet 2:9
  34. Love from God Jn 17:23
  35. Eternal, incorruptible inheritance 1 Pt 1:3-4
  36. Comfort in affliction 2 cor 1:3-4
  37. Bearing our burdens Ps 68:19
  38. New creation 2 Cor 5:17
  39. Forgets our sins Hebr 8:12
  40. Constantly thinks about us Ps 139:17-18
  41. Name written in heaven Lk 10:20
  42. discipline Hebr 12:6
  43. Access to God in prayer Eph 3;12
  44. Seeing Christ Rev 22:4
  45. Becoming like Christ 1 Jn 3:2
  46. Rest Hebr 4:9-10
  47. Removal of fear 1 Jn 4:18
  48. Crown of righteousness 2 Tim 4:8
  49. In the presence of Christ at death 2 Cor 5:8
  50. Illumination of Scripture 2 Cor 2:14

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