A couple of quotes from Sexual Sanity for Men by David White pgs 54-55 on Psalm 139:
God created us for intimacy, a desire to be known and to know others. Only God knows us and He knows us thoroughly.
"But it (God's thorough knowledge of him) leads David to worship. Why? Because for David - who was no stranger to sexual sin - this profoundly demonstrates God's nearness, the depth of his intimacy with us. God knows every thought - not because he's keeping a tally for judgment day, but because he actually loves you that much! He's paying attention. You are truly that known and delighted in."
"David's confidence in God's goodness and mercy enables him to end his psalm by saying, 'Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!' (Psa 139:23-24). Understanding who God truly is and our relationship to him through Christ frees us to fearlessly pray this same prayer, confidently drawing near to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in our time of need (see Hebr 4:16)."
It's when we seek this level of intimacy anywhere else but with God that we run the risk of sinful choices. If I seek that level of intimacy with my spouse, parents, siblings, church members, or anyone else, I'll be disappointed. There's no way that they can know me the way that I want to be known. And I can't know them the way I want to know them. Relationships will disappoint and I'll be constantly looking for a new relationships.
So then it becomes a cycle of despair, because no relationship will satisfy. A time will be reached where there is no longer an attempt to build new relationships.
What's the point of trying any more? Better to be a recluse with no friends than to be constantly disappointed.
Why bother investing in others?
I'm not going to be satisfied in relationships. Others will not be satisfied in a relationship with me.
So the only reason to bother having a relationship has to be to point them to God, Who will satisfy their need for intimacy, right?
And the capstone is that God wants to be known and has given us all we need to know Him.
So, look at your friendships. Are you seeking to satisfy your need for intimacy through them, or pointing them God who will satisfy their need for intimacy?
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