Having worked in a furniture store for the last few years, I've noticed that many people look at the color of the fabric first.
"I want a blue chair."
Our store deals with several companies that have 1000 fabrics each. Color is the easiest thing to change. So we have to direct the customer to look at the quality of the chair. They have to sit down in the chair to see if it's comfortable for them. And then help them decide if it's a good value for them.
Then we can go to the color.
Unfortunately, many will look for a wife in the same way.
"I want a good looking one."
Do we stop to think how selfish that really is?
We want a wife who will look good. We are concerned about what others will think about us when they see us with her. We're concerned about the benefit that she will bring to us.
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised" (Prov 31:30).
Like a chair, the beauty will fade. And she may not always be so charming after a 3 a.m. feeding for six nights in a row!
But if we are looking for someone who fears the Lord, who is walking and talking and living a life that pleases God, that will only improve over the years.
Don't look at the outside. That will change.
Look at her actions and words that reveal her heart.
Oh, and BTW: the same thing applies to women looking for a husband. Those stunning good looks and six-packs might get kind of droopy after 40!
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