Monday, December 9, 2013

A Mundane Monday Morning

"So you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who dwells in Zion, My holy mountain. And Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall never pass through it again" (Joel 3:17).

In other prophets we read that the people would "know that I am the LORD your God" when judgement came.

This passage talks about the restoration of Jerusalem and Judah as the sign.

When there is peace and prosperity in Jerusalem, the people would know tha tthe LORD is their God.

When the enemies of Israel have been subdued, the people would know that the LORD is God.

So in restoration or judgement, God is working to make Himself known.

God's ultimate goal in all of His acts is to make Himself known.

In good times and bad, we can seek to discover God's attributes.

How has He revealed Himself in this event?

What does God want me to learn about Himself through this?

And I don't think it's reserved for spectacular events of judgement or restoration.

How will God reveal Himself to me today, on this mundane Monday morning?

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