I'm not a farmer or a rancher. And I'm not really much of an animal-lover. They belong outside or on the grill. I don't hate animals, I'm just not an expert. Nor do I intend to be.
But Hosea uses an interesting picture that I think I understand. Some of you farmers and ranchers might need to correct me if I get this wrong.
"Like a stubborn heifer, Israel is stubborn;
Can the LORD now feed them like a lamb in a broad pasture?"
(Hosea 4:16)
For those of you who don't know, a heifer is a young female cow that has not borne a calf. (I looked it up, just be sure).
So, make that young female cow that has not borne a calf a stubborn young female cow that has not borne a calf.
I've been to a few rodeos. And I've been on a few farms.
My observation: Cows are pretty big.
If they don't want to move, you have to hit them pretty hard. Pull on their ropes. Hoot and holler at them. Shock them with electricity.
God is comparing Israel to a stubborn heifer that won't do what He wants them to do. She won't go where He wants them to go. Israel is fighting every command, every prodding, every shock.
When they are in that state, can God let them graze in an open pasture?
Think of a herd of sheep. No fence around them. A shepherd and his dog can keep them together. They can go from juicy blade to juicy blade. Eating until they're nice and plump. Taking a drink when they're thirsty. Resting and chewing their cud at leisure.
The shepherd wants them to eat the best grass, so he leads them to where the pastures are green. He wants them to be protected from predators and the elements. He wants them to get the fresh water that they need.
He does everything he can to give them what they need and want.
But then he lets them graze where they want in that wide open pasture.
If that stubborn heifer were let loose in that open pasture, she might run off. The rancher can't take that risk of losing his source of income. So he has to keep that stubborn heifer penned up and feed it dry grass from the last cutting of hay. She has no choice. No freedom.
How often have I been like a stubborn heifer?
"No, Lord, I want to do it this way!"
"No, Lord, I want to go to this place!"
When the Shepherd wants to give me exactly what I need and want, doesn't it just make more sense to submit to His leading?
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