He's too direct.
His illustrations are bizarre.
He's boring.
He's too simplistic.
He's too complicated.
He talks too fast.
He stutters.
He repeats himself.
He preaches too long.
That's just scratching the surface of complaints raised against any preacher on any given Sunday.
And it's not anything new.
How many people do you suppose complained about Isaiah walking around naked and barefoot for three years?
How many people complained about M-m-m-m-moses when he stuttered?
Read the book of Jeremiah to see how many people criticized him.
People criticized Paul's timid nature in person.
Follow the life of Jesus and you'll see that people complained about His preaching.
"But," you may argue, "those were ungodly people who complained. I'm just trying to be helpful."
Isaiah's critics probably thought the same thing.
Instead of being your preacher's best critic, maybe you should be his best encourager by applying what he preaches!
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