Friday, May 2, 2014

Accountability and the Fear of Man

We create quite a conundrum in our quest for spiritual growth.

We have a desire to grow. We know the principles of growth.
We have sins in our lives that we know are hindering our growth.
We know that we need the help of others to overcome those sins.
We want to be able to talk about our sins, confess them, ask for prayer, ask for help.
But we want to maintain our reputation, so we keep our mouths shut.

We have a desire to help others to grow. We know the principles of growth.
We know that others have sins that are hindering their growth.
We know that they need help and may even be crying out for help.
We want to come alongside another to help them, to pray with them.
But we want to maintain our reputation, so we keep our mouths shut.

On both sides of accountability an ominous fear of man looms.
We don't want to open up with our sins, because we are afraid of losing a friend.
We don't want to ask a brother or sister about their sins, because we are afraid of losing a friend.
And yet we know that we need an open relationship in order to help and to be helped.

Instead we lie. We avoid the topics. We minimize sin.
No one is helped. God is not honored. Sin is piled upon sin.

Is there any hope?

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself" (Galatians 6:1-3).

That verses commands us of the responsibility that we know we have. But I think verse three is the clincher: "If anyone thinks he is something" - free from sin, not really needing help, keeping up the false front.
"...when he is nothing" - a dirty, rotten sinner fighting temptation and losing often.
"...he deceives himself." - no one else is fooled. Your friends know. God knows. You know.

So there's no reason to keep up appearances. There's no reason to try to hide your sins. There's no reason to not reach out and ask others. No reason not to help, or to ask for help.

You need help. And so do I.

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