Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Filled to the Fullest

I can remember sitting at the kids' table at Grandma's house. No matter what holiday it was, and probably even when it wasn't a holiday, a feast was spread on the table.

And we ate and ate and ate. I can remember being so full that my stomach hurt.

Filled to the fullest. No room left for anything at all.

But then in a few hours, we would eat again. And I've been eating ever since.

We have to keep coming back to eat more. Even if we've been satisfied and stuffed.

It's the same with being satisfied with God.

Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers that they would be "filled with all the fullness of God" (Eph 3:19).

First of all, it's pretty amazing to me that God wants to fill us with His fullness. Everything that God has, He wants to give to us. He desires to satisfy us with Himself. We will not be satisfied with anything else in the way that God will satisfy us.

Feasting on sin. Dining on the delicacies of pleasures. Drinking the filthy waters of temptation.

That will never satisfy.

Not only does God want to satisfy us, but He wants to satisfy us continually.

Not just in a great worship service on Sunday. Not just through an occasional hymn or Bible verse that goes through our minds.

But all the time. Always satisfied with God. Always filled with all of His fullness.

For that to happen, we need to be drinking from the Word. Feasting on His promises. Resting in His faithfulness. Rejoicing in His pleasures.

All the time.

"He is offering us nothing short of Himself! Any created things you've ever desired, even good things, have only been desirable to you because He is desirable. Your heart is only delighting because it has caught a miniscule glimpse of the beauty, majesty, strength, and glory of God. He wants to give you your heart's desire. The problem is that we're confused about what will truly bring joy to our souls" (Sexual Sanity for Men by David White, p 177).

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