I've been reading the history of Saul and David in First Samuel for the last couple of weeks. A common theme has been waiting on the Lord. It's probably been popping up a lot because it's something that I'm not very good at lately.
David was anointed to be the next king of Israel. He served as musician to the king. Killed Goliath. Married the king's daughter. The people praised him for his victories on the battlefields, placing him higher than the king.
And became a hunted man. Hunted by the king.
Two different times David had opportunity to kill the man who had been hunting him for several years. Yet he didn't. The king-in-waiting would not lift his hand against the Lord's anointed.
So he waited. 5 years. 10 years. 15 years. Even more waiting.
Saul had a problem with waiting.
He didn't wait for Samuel to come, so he offered sacrifices in order to rally the troops before battle.
He didn't complete the destruction of Amalek, saving the best as an offering for the LORD - so he said.
When Saul tired of waiting for God to answer him about going into battle against the Philistines, Saul called on a witch to call Samuel the prophet from the dead.
Every time that Saul didn't wait on God, he received a curse.
When David waited, he was chased around the countryside.
But in the end, Saul's dynasty failed and David's reigned and will reign again.
Unfortunately, I'm more like Saul.
"Surely, God wants me to do something about these problems, doesn't He?" That's how I reason.
"If I just...then this would happen." That's what I think.
But God wants me to wait. Maybe 5 years. Maybe 10 years. Maybe 15 years. Or maybe even longer.
Lord, help me to cling to Your promises and anticipate Your plan. Help me not to manipulate Your promises to further my plan.
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