Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Consuming Passion

"My soul is consumed with longing for Your righteous judgments all the time" (Psalm 119:20).

There are a lot of things that I look which I anticipate.

Meal times.

Pay day.

Bed time.


Going to church.

But to be consumed with longing for God's Word?

All my thoughts, desires and actions all day long driving me to study and to know God's Word?

I've got a ways to go in that area.

I do enjoy studying God's Word. I love to learn about God and His plan. I like to learn about the history and culture of the Bible.

But being consumed by longing for His Word?

What would that even look like?

Lord, work in my heart to give me that passion.

Guide my thoughts and desires and actions to know Your Word, so that I would know You better.

Help me not to study Your Word as a textbook, but as a means to know You better.

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