Psalm 113 begins with a call to praise the LORD. All day, every day and everywhere the LORD's name is to be praised.
Because He is above all nations. He is sovereign over the rulers, over the United Nations, over the Taliban. He is more powerful than the electoral college, the Supreme Court, or Wall Street.
And because His glory is above the heavens. He is more glorious than any star, any planet, any cloud nebulae. He is more magnificent than any mountain, any waterfall, any ocean. He is more amazing than the tiniest microbes, the growing trees or the human body.
He is seated on high, yet He looks down on the earth.
"Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth?" (v 5-6).
He is exalted, yet He concerns Himself with the needs of man.
He lifts up the poor from the garbage heap to set him with nobles. He lifts the individual out of the pit of sin and seats him at the right hand of Christ. That's pretty amazing!
He gives the barren woman children. He performs miracles which medicine can't explain. He puts a baby in the womb of a woman. He heals cancer patients. He makes the lame to walk.
High and powerful, yet concerned about the needs of His creation.
That's my God!
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