Friday, June 14, 2013

Unhappy Christians

Does that describe you?

Are you able to paste on a smile at church, but really inside you're pretty depressed, discouraged and sad?

Do you think that you're missing out on the joy that others in church have?

Are you an unhappy Christian?

Maybe you are.

And there may be a good reason.

Which means there's also a solution to your unhappiness.

"Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the way of the LORD!
Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart!"
(Psalm 119:1-2)

Put that in the opposite and maybe you'll discover the key to your unhappiness:

Sad are those whose way is not blameless, who do not walk in the way of the LORD!
Sad are those who do not keep His testimonies, who do not seek Him with their whole heart!

It's pretty simple: If you're sad, you're walking in sin, in disobedience to the Lord, and running from the Lord.

If you're happy, you're living in righteousness, walking in obedience, and seeking after the Lord.

Keep in mind that sadness and happiness are not pasted on emotions. Nor are they a resignation to fate.

Both of them are results of the life you choose to live.

Choose to live in obedience, seeking after the Lord with all your being and you will be happy.

Choose to live in sin, living for yourself, seeking to please others and you will be sad.

We want to be happy, but selfishness, laziness and fear keep us from being obedient. Rather than being happy, we are saddened. We learn that it's impossible to please ourselves or to please others and become trapped in a cycle of discouragement.

The solution is simple: Trust and obey. There really is no other way to be happy in Jesus!

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