Monday, June 17, 2013

It's Over

Another Father's Day has come and gone.

No more posts on Facebook about the great things that dads have done.

No more greeting cards in Walmart about all the times that dads were there when we needed them.

No more comparing ourselves to other dads.

No more reminders about the failures that we have been as dads.

No more wanting to scream out about the pain and abandonment caused by dads.

Life will resume today.

At least until next year.

Surely, there must be some hope in the midst of this annual repetition. Even a glimmer of hope for dads who've messed up? A slight message of hope for the sons and daughters who have broken relationships with their dads?

The greatest hope is that we can have a relationship with a Father who will never leave us or do anything to harm us.

"I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:18).

"...He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5).

Instead of seeking contentment and completion in being a great father, or having a great father, we can only find that satisfaction in a relationship with our heavenly Father. Earthly fathers will fail us; we will fail as fathers.

But our heavenly Father will never fail. He always does the right thing, says the right thing, gives the right thing and just the right time.

The second source of hope is that, since you are able to read this, you are still alive.

God has kept you alive for a purpose. You may have messed up as a dad. It may be too late to mend that relationship with your father or your children.

You can invest in the lives of other dads and other kids.

By God's grace you can finish strong.

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