"Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God" (1 Peter 2:16).
Peter addresses two extremes in Christianity: legalism and liberality.
The legalist makes a list of rights and wrongs. These are the things a real Christian does. These are the things a real Christian doesn't do.
He's got a checklist of standards by which he measures himself and others to determine spirituality.
On the other end is the liberal. He emphasizes his freedom in Christ.
There is no condemnation.
My sins are forgiven.
The blood of Christ has set me free.
Therefore, I can do whatever I want.
And if anyone tries to stop me, I pull out the "Judge not!" card.
Both extremes are wrong.
Live like a freed man. But don't use your freedom to sin.
After the fall of communism in Romania, chaos broke out. The people had been so oppressed by the government, that they thought all law was wrong. Stop signs were ignored. Anarchy reigned for a time.
Unfortunately, some Christians try to live like that, too. If I'm free from the law, then I don't have to follow any rules.
But if you look at the verses before and after this verse, you'll see a list of rules.
Our freedom is a freedom from sin and from the law. But not a freedom to do whatever we want. We must be careful students of the Word so that our lists don't go beyond what God expects. We must also be careful students of the Word so that we are doing what pleases Him and not ourselves.
Striving to please Christ - not ourselves and not others - must be our goal.
Living as a child of the King and not trying to earn His favor should be our standard. We are free to live, because we are accepted in the beloved.
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