Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shifting the Blame or Repenting?

Since the Garden of Eden, we have been blame-shifters.

Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the snake.

And so it has continued to this day.

My parents never taught me.

My church was too strict.

I don't have a college education.

She hit me first.

My boss doesn't understand me.

God addressed the same issue with the Israelites in Ezekiel 18.

God's conclusion: Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

If the good man starts doing bad things, he will be punished for his evil deeds.

If the evil man starts doing good things, he will be preserved.

If the father was bad, but the son was obedient to God, the son will be preserved and the father punished.

If the father was good, but the son turned out bad, the son will be punished and the father preserved.

The proper response then is not to shift the blame to anyone else. The proper response is to repent.

"Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!" (Ezek 18:31).

Stop putting the blame on your spouse, your parents, your children, your boss, your church, God, or anyone else!

Choose to repent. Turn from your sins.

And do right!

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