Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Principles for Suffering

Peter continues his discussion about suffering for the believer in chapter four of 1 Peter:

1. Suffering sanctifies (v 1-3). It gives new perspective on what is important and the value of living a holy life. We learn to use our time to flee sinful practices to be obedient to Christ.

2. Suffering is expected (v 12). Christ suffered and we should expect suffering. We'd like to live a life of ease, but that is not reality.

3. Suffering gives reason for rejoicing (v 13). Ouch! We'd rather moan and groan, but it is a ground for rejoicing.

4. Suffering is an evidence of the indwelling Spirit of God (v 14). It is only through the Spirit that we can consistently do good. When suffering for obedience comes along and we choose to cave in to the pressures and not continue to obey, then the Spirit is not in us, giving us the ability to live righteously.

5. Suffering should not be because of wrongdoing (v 15). A believer should not find himself in prison for crimes. He may be in prison for preaching the Gospel.

6. Suffering is a reason to glorify God (v 16). When we grasp the big picture of God's plan, we can glorify Him. He has counted us worthy to suffer as Christ suffered. He has proven His love and mercy by sustaining us.

7. Suffering causes us to trust God (v 17-19). When everyone else has turned against us, God is still there. When we realize that God is the righteous Judge, who knows our hearts, we can trust Him. Rather than listening to the attacks and complaints of the persecutors, we can trust God and His Word.

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