The world's definition of success is fame and fortune. Make a lot of money. Have a lot of friends. Do something important and meaningful. Make some good memories.
While there is nothing inherently sinful in any of those activities, if that is all we've got in life, we'll be disappointed and empty.
We'll never have enough money. Our friends will forget us. Our memory will fade. The fun will fizzle.
At the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us a list of activities and qualities which will bring satisfaction (Matthew 5:2-12).
The poor in spirit will gain heaven.
The mourners will be comforted.
The meek will inherit the earth.
Those who passionately strive after righteousness will find it.
The merciful will receive mercy.
The pure in heart will see God.
The peacemaker will be called a son of God.
Those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake will receive the heavenly kingdom.
Those who are persecuted for the sake of Christ will receive a heavenly reward.
That list of blessings is much greater than more stuff or more friends.
They are eternal rewards which cannot be taken away.
They are rewards which will satisfy.
They give us motivation to head the right direction.
Set goals for the New Year. But to be sure that your goals will satisfy, fit them under these goals.
You'll be blessed if you do.
God promised and He always keeps His word.
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