Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dear Pastor, God Doesn't Need You

Dear Pastor,

God doesn't need you. I know that's hard to believe after a busy day at church.

If you weren't there, who would turn on the lights?

If you weren't there, who would organize the worship service?

If you weren't there, who would preach?

If you weren't there, who would lead the deacons' meetings?

If you weren't there, who would be on the camp board?

If you weren't there, who would make sure that the church was on fire for the Lord?

You know, those are all lies we believe when we are pastors. We wouldn't say it out loud, but we think that if we were gone for more than two weeks, the church would fall apart. The ministry of the Lord would come to a screeching halt. The church building would fall into disrepair and be a disgrace instead of a dispenser of grace.

And we humbly continue doing the work.

Even if our marriages are crumbling.

Even if our children are rebellious.

Even if we are losing the battle against temptation.

We can't ask for help.

We can't admit guilt.

We can't resign.

What would happen to the ministry?

Surely, God needs us to keep His work humming.

I know this because I've been there.

But now I'm on the other side. And you know what?

God really didn't need me.

God is still at work in the ministries that I left behind. The churches are growing. The camp ministry is bursting at the seams. People are getting saved and discipled. The church-planting effort that we were going to join is taking shape..

Without me.

And that's great.

Because God has put me where He intended to put me. He has worked in my life to make me the person that He wants me to be.

And He's still at work.

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