Friday, January 17, 2014

Ultimate Satisfaction

Psalm 17 is a prayer for deliverance and protection from enemies.

David begins by asking God to look at his virtuous life (v 1-5). Then he cries out for deliverance from his enemies. He calls to God because he knows that God will protect him (v 6-10). The evil person has set a trap and is ready to attack (v 11-13).

David's description of the wicked in verse 14 causes David to explode in his own hope in verse 15.

The wicked have their portion, their blessing, in this life. They will be satisfied with children and leave their wealth to them.

Bud David's hope was beyond the grave.

"As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with Your likeness" (v 15).

God will satisfy the wicked by pouring out His blessings of children and wealth on them. They will be satisfied with these earthly treasures.

But the child of God will find his satisfaction after death in the presence of God.

He will look upon the face of God.

He will be satisfied with seeing God.

David is not saying that there is anything wrong with the blessings of children or wealth.

But he is directing our attention to true satisfaction.

Living in the presence of God for all eternity.

Gazing upon His face.

That will be satisfaction.

The blessings of this earth will not compare to that.

That is the hope of satisfaction that the child of God can anticipate.

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