Saturday, February 1, 2014

Christians vs the World: Is there really a difference?

Sometimes lines are blurry.

And sometimes it doesn't really matter.

But one distinction should be clear: the distinction between a follower of God and someone who is not.

The distinction is not necessarily based on what they wear. Black suits don't make someone more godly than someone who wears blue jeans.

The distinction is also not primarily based on where they go, how they spend their money, or what church they belong to. But all those will reflect whether a person is a follower of God, or not.

Two paragraphs that I read this morning:

"Paul provides a powerful contrast between the world and Christians in Philippians 3. Describing people in the world he says, 'Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things' (Philippians 3:19). The world is focused on temporal, physical pleasures. They are enslaved by their appetites. Their identity is wrapped up in the very things they should be ashamed of, such as their sexual conquests. But Christians are those 'who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh' (Philippians 3:3).

"What an amazing definition of what it means to be a Christian! Rather than focusing on our flesh, and being ruled by our appetites, we are called to turn away, placing no hope and confidence in it. Instead of a desperate attempt to prove we're okay and in control, we admit that we're broken individuals. We don't look for joy in our flesh or seek glory through sex because our eyes are opened wide to the glory of God revealed in the face of Jesus Christ (see 2 Corinthians 4:6). His Spirit is at work in our hearts, bringing contentment and leading us to right worship, in spirit and truth. This is the fountain from which genuine, God-honoring obedience flows."

(Taken from Sexual Sanity for Men by David White, pg 120).

Well, at least I'm not a sexual pervert!

Be thankful for that. But are you still putting your "confidence in the flesh?"

It does have to do with your clothes. Mini-skirts, tight jeans, low cut tops - drawing attention to your body, gaining sexual attention from others.

It does have to do with how you spend your money. You don't have to be spending it on porn to set your mind on earthly things. Do you really need that extra pair of shoes? Do you really need to have that big screen TV?

And it might even have to do with which church you attend. Are you attending a church where you are led in biblical, Spirit-filled worship? Are you being taught the truths of God's Word? Are you finding opportunities to serve to meet the spiritual needs of others? Or is it just a social club with your friends and family? Are you there to be seen, or to worship?

Read those two passages in Philippians 3 again.

Measure yourself against God's standards for Christians.

Your standard is probably wrong.

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