Tuesday, February 4, 2014

God Chooses Not to Remember

We often complain about forgetting things. We forget names. We forget birthdays. We forget last week's sermon.

And then we throw in the "old-age-excuse." We used to remember things better, but not anymore.

But there are many things that we choose not to forget.

We choose not to forget when someone has offended us.

We choose not to forget that someone lied to us.

We choose not to forget someone's moral failure.

We choose to hold on to those events and become skeptical, critical, bitter and unforgiving.

But God is not that way.

"Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to Your steadfast love remember me, for the sake of Your goodness, O LORD" (Psalm 25:7).

God chooses not to dwell on my sins. He chooses not to think about them. 

And it's not because I've done so many good things that the good has crowded out the bad.

It's because of His steadfast love, His mercy.

It's because of His goodness.

Comparing the goodness and mercy of God with the bitterness and unforgiving attitudes of people magnifies God's attributes. 

Knowing that God, who knows my sins much more accurately and who has been offended much more intensely than any person, has chosen to love me and not dwell on my sinful past is amazing!

And it also motivates me to flee temptation.

Why would I want to offend the One who lovingly has forgiven me? Why would I choose to hurt the One who chooses not to remember my sins?

Lord, remind me of your love and goodness throughout the day. They are a cause for rejoicing and a cause for fleeing.

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