In our struggle with sin, the easy way is usually the wrong way.
We enjoy our sin so much, that we don't really make the effort to stop sinning.
We don't go out of our way to make it difficult to sin.
Jesus uses hyperbole in Mark 9:43-48 to tell us that we have to go the hard way - the really hard way.
If your hand cause you to sin, cut it off.
If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.
If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
Hyperbole is an over-exaggeration to prove a point. It's a figure of speech that Jesus uses to point out the gravity of temptation.
He is not commanding us to cut off our hands and feet when we fall into sin.
What Jesus wants us to do is to remove the triggers that cause us to sin - even if it hurts as much as plucking out our eyes.
If the internet is giving us opportunity to lust or to waste time, get rid of it.
If TV causes us to stumble into greed, or laziness, put it in the closet.
If having chocolate in the house causes us to be gluttons, get rid of it.
If certain people lead us into sinful actions, stop spending time with them.
If alcohol tempts, don't keep it at home and avoid places where it can be had.
Make the tough choices to get rid of temptations.
It's better to go without them, than to pay the consequences.
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