Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts the LORD" (Psalm 32:10).

An interesting contrast here between the wicked and the one who trusts the LORD: the wicked is surrounded by sorrows, the one who trusts the LORD is surrounded by love.

But when you think it through it make sense.

Think of a list of sins: hate, murder, adultery, lying, envy, greed, selfishness, bitterness, contempt, stealing, rebellion, etc.

When you look through this list, the common factor is selfishness.

"I'm not getting what I want, so I'll just take it."

The wicked person is not content. He is not satisfied.

But the one who is trusting the LORD is content with what God has given him.

He's content with his resources, so he doesn't steal, lie or cheat to get more money.

He's content with his position in life, so he's not trying to manipulate others to like him.

He's content with his wife, or his singleness, so he's not seeking sexual gratification through other means.

He's trusting the LORD.

He's content with what God has given him.

And he's surrounded by God's steadfast love.

What more does he need?

The wicked is filled with sorrow, because he is never satisfied. He wants more.

And his sinful choices have brought consequences that he doesn't like.

His desires are not being satisfied and things are getting worse, not better.

Trust in the LORD. Be satisfied with Him. And you'll be surrounded by His steadfast love.

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