Friday, December 7, 2012

Boast in Christ

Division in the local church comes from boasting in something, or someone other than Christ. When we start boasting in the good ol' days with Pastor Soandso, or rallying behind one person, then the result is bound to be division. If we begin to brag about our connections and experiences, we're headed toward division (1 Cor 1:10-13).

Degrees and pedigrees make no difference in the church. There's nothing to brag about except what Christ has done (1 Cor 1:30). The connections and relationships within the church will not satisfy, so what's the point in bragging about them? Those relationships should be pointing me to Christ, not to other people. It's not because of the others that I am in church, but because of Christ. Others will not satisfy like Jesus, so my connections to others should not be my point of boasting.

To boast because I'm friends with this guy, or having Bible study with this group, or involved in this accountability group, or that I'm there every service, or that I've been teaching for 20 years - or anything else is pointless.

So my aim must be to boast in Christ. What does that look like?
  • Rather than talking about what I did with someone, talk about what Christ has done for me. 
  • Rather than talk about having a Bible study, talk about what Jesus taught me in that Bible study.
  • Rather than talk about an accountability partner, talk about how the accountability is helping me learn about Christ. 
  • Rather than talk about my connections and my friends, talk about who Christ is. 
  • Rather than talk about what happened in church on Sunday, talk about what I learned about Christ on Sunday.
I need to learn to take control of my thoughts, so that I'm thinking about Christ. Only then will I be talking about Him.

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