Friday, December 14, 2012

Christ came for our glory

"But we impart a secret and a hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory" (1 Cor 2:7).

God did something, proclaimed a message, decreed an event, for our glory. that seems backwards to me. We are commanded to do things to the glory of God and here we read that God did something for our glory.

What did God do to bring us glory?

It's not the ability to impart the secret and hidden wisdom, as some might think. Rather that secret and hidden wisdom is what God decreed for our glory. We can impart that wisdom, but we have to know what it is.

So what did God impart? What secret and hidden wisdom had been a part of God's plan to bring us glory?

The incarnation of Christ.

Verse 8 says that if the rulers would have understood this secret and hidden wisdom, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. If they had know that Jesus was God, they would not have crucified Him.

The incarnation of the eternal God is truly beyond our comprehension. That a holy God would take on the form of a human and remain God really can't be understood. Those two concepts are at such extremes, that we can't really get our head around it. The union of perfect God and perfect man in one person can only be understood in the wisdom of God.

And how is this for our glory?

The incarnation was necessary for the crucifixion to take place. If Christ had not come as a man, He could not have died.

The crucifixion led to our redemption. Our redemption leads to our glorification.

Christ came to glorify us.

That is also too amazing to understand!

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