An old farmer and his wife were headed into town in their pickup. She asked, "You remember how we used to sit right next to each other when we were in the old truck just after we were married?"
Without taking his eyes off the road, his simple reply came, "I haven't moved."
God hasn't moved either.
"For I the LORD do not change, therefore you, O children of Israel are not consumed. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the LORD of hosts" (Malachi 3:6-7).
God made a covenant with Abraham. He confirmed it with Isaac and Jacob. He clarified the covenant with Moses. He made another covenant with David. In each of these covenants, God promised something to Israel: His presence and protection. He would bless them. He would not abandon them. Even through all the prophets who called for repentance and prophesied judgment, God was keeping His promise of presence and protection.
God did not wipe the seed of Abraham off the face of the earth. They are still around. And it wasn't because of the goodness of Abraham or his descendants. It was because God doesn't change.
Even in His call to repentance, He says, "Return to me and I will return to you." He hasn't moved. He hasn't changed His mind.
God's promises to me do not change either, because He does not change. He has promised to forgive me, to keep me, to glorify me, to provide for my needs, to lead me and many others. And His keeping of those promises is not dependent on my righteousness.
But just like Israel was called to repent, I am called to repent. God hasn't moved. He wants me to stay in fellowship with Him, but my sins separate me from my loving Father.
He has done everything to remove that separation. He has provided the perfect sacrifice through His Son. His promises are there for the taking. I have to repent, to change my mind about who I am and who He is. I need to be fighting temptations to keep those sins out of my life.
God hasn't moved. He's waiting for me to move toward Him.
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