Servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor 4:1). that's how Paul wanted to be known.
A servant of Christ would be obedient to Christ. He would do what God wanted him to do regardless of the consequences. To do this, the servant would need to know God's will. and to do that, he'd have to know God's Word.
God's Word would need to permeate his mind so much that he could make decisions in every day life. His desire is to please his Master, so he wants to know exactly what God wants him to do. The faithful servant will direct his entire life according to what God's Word says.
closely related to this is the steward of the mysteries of God. This requires not only knowing god's Word, but communicating it to others. As a steward, he is not to come up with his own teachings, but to teach what the Master desires. He would have to be a student of God's Word. Not for his own benefit, but for the benefit of others.
Obeying God's Word in his own life. Teaching God's Word to others. Those were Paul's goals and should be our goals.
Help us, Lord, to study Your Word. Not just to know the Bible better. But that Your Word would permeate our thoughts so that our actions and thoughts would be directed by You.
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