Be your own man! Stand on your own two feet!
That's what the world screams around us.
Look how that's working out.
Teens rebel against their parents.
Long-time married couples divorce.
Churches split.
The Bible teaches just the opposite of this selfish lifestyle.
We can't stand on our own. When we do, we're bound to fall.
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up,
God is our salvation. Selah.
Our God is a God of salvation,
And to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death."
Psalm 68:19-20
God bears us up daily. He sustains us. He holds us up. He supports us like crutches support a lame man.
And this is a very good thing!
Think of it this way:
God is the creator of the universe. He has all the power, all the resources, all the energy of the universe at His disposal.
God is the lover of your soul. He desires the best for you. He wants you to reach His goal.
God is sovereign. He can control that energy of the universe and His desire for your life to orchestrate the perfect plan.
So what's the point in standing on your own two feet? What's the purpose of going your own way?
You're not going to make it in life on your own.
And you certainly aren't going to make it into eternity on your own.
"Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death" (v 20). Only God is able to save your soul and bring you into His eternal loving presence.
Stop trying to do it on your own!
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