Saturday, April 13, 2013

Too big for God

As Joshua divides up the land for the tribes, the tribe of Joseph comes to him. Because God had blessed them, they claimed that their allotment was too small. They were asking for a double-portion. At the same time they complained that the Canaanites of the plain had iron chariots.

Joshua gave them more land and that they would be able to drive out the Canaanites. Even though the Canaanites were strong and powerful, the tribe of Joseph was also strong and numerous (Joshua 17:14-18).

It's interesting that Joshua didn't refer to God at all in this conversation. Gone are the comments from the early days of the conquest: "Don't be afraid! The LORD your God will fight for you! He'll drive out the peoples before you!"

Now the victory is secure because the tribe of Joseph was strong and numerous.

God hadn't abandoned them.

God hadn't said, "Okay, I got you started. You can clean up what's left on your own."

But had Joshua and the people become so confident in themselves that they didn't need God anymore?

That's a dangerous place to be. Not only for Joshua and the tribe of Joseph, but also for us.

As we grow in grace, we should see more and more how much we need God's help. Not just for the big problems. Not just for the early days of the battle.

But every day and for the little battles.

You're never too big for God.

In fact, the more mature you get, the more you need God.

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