Saturday, April 6, 2013

What if...?

Yesterday I heard a song on the radio that asked the question: "What if we lived today like God were real?"

That's been going through my mind for the last 24 hours.

What if I lived today as if God were real?

My first reaction was, "Of course, He's real! That's what the Bible teaches. I don't doubt that God exists."

But that wasn't the question. What if I lived today as if God were real?

What difference would it make in my life?

If I really believe that God is real and holy, I would abhor sin. I wouldn't delight in watching it on TV, in hearing others talk about it, on dwelling on it in my mind, or practicing it (1 Peter 1:15-16).

If I really believe that God is real and just, I would tell others about Christ dying for their sins. Sin will be punished, but Jesus took that penalty upon Himself (2 Corinthians 5:21).

If I really believe that God is real and forgiving, I would forgive others. I have been forgiven such a great debt that I can forgive the sins of others against me (Ephesians 4:32).

If I really believe that God is real and patient, I wouldn't get upset when things don't go my way. I would have a listening ear when others need to talk. I would not expect them to do everything right all the time (Galatians 5:22-23).

If I really believe that God is real and sovereign, I would submit to His will each day. I wouldn't complain about unfair treatment. I wouldn't get upset about a change in plans (Genesis 50:21-22).

So what would your day look like if you really believed that God were real?

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