Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Would you just listen?

How often have you heard those words? How often have you said them?

And we need to hear it frequently. Sometimes in a discussion we are so concerned about ourselves that we spend our time talking about ourselves, our wants and our desires that we aren't even listening to the other person.

God said the same words to His people: "Oh, Israel if you would but listen to me!" (Ps 81:8).

As you look at the whole Psalm, can't you just imagine this as an order of service on a Sunday morning?

"Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob! Raise a song, sound the tambourine, the sweet lyre with the harp. Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day" (vs 1-3).

Voices are singing. Instruments are accompanying. Everything is running smoothly for the first part of the service.

Someone comes to the front and shares a testimony of what God had done. Remembering the good ol' days of God's might and strength (vs 4-7).

Everyone is singing about God. Everyone is talking about God.

But nobody is listening to God.

"Hear, O my people, while I admonish you! O Israel, if you would but listen to me!" (v 8).

And listening is not just tearing on your hearing aid. It's listening followed by obedience that God desires.

"There shall be no strange god among you; you shall not bow down to a foreign god" (v 9).

God is calling them to obedience, to undivided allegiance, to true worship.

And he promises a blessing for obedience: "Open your mouth wide and I will fill it" (v 10b).

When they refused to listen, He let them go their stubborn way. Their stubbornness was followed by hardship.

If they would listen, God promised to subdue their enemies, to feed them with the finest wheat and the sweetest honey.

Are you listening to God today? Not just a warm, fuzzy feeling. Not just an encouraging reminder of the past.  Not a mystical hearing the voice of God.

But listening that leads to obedience?

God made it clear: Listen and obey and you'll be blessed. Ignore and disobey and you'll be cursed.

Stop today and listen to God. Do what He says.

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