In the last hours before His crucifixion, Jesus is giving His disciples final instructions. He's going to leave, but will send the Holy Spirit. They shouldn't be surprised when they are persecuted. Loving one another is the way to show the world that they are His disciples. He's going to His Father, but He will come back.
At the end of John 16, the disciples have an "Aha!" moment. Now they get it! He's speaking plainly. Now they believe (vs 29-30).
Jesus challenges them, knowing what is coming and what their hearts are like. "Do you now believe? Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave Me alone" (v 32).
Jesus knew that they would abandon Him when the pressure was on. He knew they would return to their old lives. They were excited and claimed that they believed in that moment.
But true belief is not evidenced in words, but in actions.
So what do your actions say about what you believe?
Most of us will never be put in a life-and-death situation, where we will run for our lives.
We say that we believe in heaven and hell, sin and salvation, but we don't open our mouths to tell our friends.
We say that we believe that Jesus can give victory over sin, but we struggle with the same temptations for decades.
We say that Jesus can help us solve our problems, but we abandon our family when we can't take it any more.
We say...but we do...
Our actions reveal what we truly believe.
What do your actions reveal about your beliefs today?
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