In Psalm 106, the psalmist recounts Israel's rebellious heart throughout its history.
They saw the great plagues in Egypt, but rebelled at the Red Sea.
They walked through the parted Red Sea, saw their enemies drowned, believed His promises and sang His praise.
They soon forgot that and craved in the wilderness. Their lust for meat rather than for God's provision brought them quail. So much quail that it came out their nostrils.
They sent spies into the Promised Land who reported of the bountiful land. But they rebelled again and chose to fear rather than to trust and obey.
Forty years in the wilderness were up and down in obedience and disobedience.
When they got into the land, they disobeyed by not eliminating all the inhabitants. Israel followed in the footsteps of the pagans, offering their children as sacrifices and worshiping false gods.
Over and over God rescued them when they cried out for help.
How easy it is for us to fall into the same cycle! God shows us His mercy by delivering us. We rejoice and sing His praises.
But then another temptation comes along and we fall into sin again. Maybe a different one, but the root is our rebellious, selfish heart.
God graciously delivers us again and sets us on the right path again. And again. And again.
God is patient to keep setting us straight.
God is merciful for giving us another chance.
God is faithful to keep His promises.
God is loving to allow us to come back again and again.
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