Monday, May 13, 2013

Just Ask.

Glancing through our list of prayer requests, we are confronted with an organ recital. The aches, pains, surgeries, broken bones and cancer treatments seem to fill the page.

Then there are the financial requests. Someone needs a new job. A missionary needs more financial support. The church wants to add on.

Usually you'll find some form of praying for witnessing opportunities.

These are all valid prayer requests. Bringing the needs of others to our heavenly Father is commanded and encouraged often in the Bible.

But what about praying for wisdom?

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5).

Here's a command and a promise.

Ask God for wisdom and He'll give it to you.

Pretty straightforward and clear.

And look at how God gives wisdom: generously to all without reproach.

God is ready to pour out His wisdom to help you make decisions. He wants to lavish you with godly wisdom.

And He gives it without reproach. He isn't going to say, "Now that's a stupid question!" Or "You already asked that one!"

While praying for healing, pray for wisdom to live a godly life in the midst of sickness.

While praying for a new job, pray for wisdom to live a contented life in the current situation.

While praying for witnessing opportunities, pray for wisdom to speak the gospel.

God is ready to lavish you with His wisdom. Just ask.

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