I've been struggling to memorize 1 John 1 this past week.
Yes, struggling. Not because it's 10 verses, but because the first three verses are repetitive.
John is writing about life that is eternal, seen, looked upon, handled, manifested, declared and with the Father.
He's talking about Jesus and his personal experience with the Savior.
John says, "We saw Him. We watched Him. We touched Him. We heard Him. He is eternal. He had been with God the Father. And we had fellowship with Him."
He repeats himself to make it clear. It really did happen!
And then he starts the purpose of his letter, "And these things we write to you that your joy may be full" (v 4).
The joy that he and the other disciples had could be had by the recipients.
The following verses explain how to have that joy found in fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Walk in the light, not in the darkness of sin.
Confess sin, and be cleansed by His blood.
Think of that!
The same fellowship that John and the other disciples had with Jesus while He was on earth can be yours, too. You can have joy like they did when they heard Him preach. You can have joy like they did when they picked up the 12 baskets of leftovers. You can have joy in fellowship with the Creator of the universe.
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